Improved the Crafting system, so that items with Random quality scale their quality with player's Crafting skill - it's not possible anymore to roll a quality exceeding that of the relevant Crafting skill.Introduced minor tweaks and improved balancing of the Contagion quickhack.The Rescue - increased the number of ammo at the beginning of the quest.Increased stats of La Chingona Dorada (Jackie's iconic pistols).Every Breath You Take - improved Red Menace's positioning and aim.Cyberpsycho Sighting: Letter of the Law - improved Cyberpsycho's behaviour during the fight.Transmission - increased Placide's hacking resistance.Transmission - improved Placide's behavior during the fight.Play It Safe - improved Oda's behavior during the fight.(Don't Fear) The Reaper - improved Adam Smasher's behaviour during the fight.Adjusted the damaging process when shooting crowd NPCs while in combat depending on distance and the weapon used.NCPD will now also react to hitting NPCs with a non-lethal weapon.NCPD will no longer react and turn hostile because of dead bodies in Open World activities.Enemies on Very Hard difficulty (and only that difficulty alone) will now be more aggressive when searching around when they are in the "Alerted" state.Enemies on Very Hard difficulty will now detect the player faster.

Enemies on Easy and Normal difficulties will now detect the player slower.

Landmine icon will now be grayed out after disarming it.Icon on a disposal crate will now turn red when player picks up a body instead of being grayed out.Added new sleeping spots for Nibbles in V's apartment.
#Shards of war patches guide upgrade#
It's now possible to upgrade crafting components in bulk.Improved a notification when buying cyberware and not meeting the level requirements to equip it.Added a comparison tooltip for cyberware.Players will now properly be able to craft a quickhack even if they once crafted it and then got rid of it.It is now possible to rotate V in the Inventory with a mouse.Quest item tags from miscellaneous Job items will now be removed after finishing associated quests, allowing to sell or drop them.Added a filter for quest items in the Backpack.