but you have to make it impossible and you have to make it a coincidence in a story. the audience knows that intricate details could not be predicted like that. It's just a puzzle of how the paper got into the box. So there is a paper with some impossible prediction written on it. The reason I brought up the lotto in the other thread is for you to think outside of the box.
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Then at the end of the trick he makes the car appear and he puts the license plates on the car. The license plates have the predicted number. The license plates are part of the "story" they DC tells within the trick. Listen to what Frank says but yes there is an audio cassette and license plates in the box. Frank your posts and advices are amazing ! And yes I downloaded the magazines and started reading them, and ok I will read that page now, Thanks again Mr. And yes I know I wont be able to perform that effect. I was just curious and amazed by it and wanted to know about it that's all. Like I said I took DC as an inspiration, BUTT my question about the Lotto Prediction has nothing to with it. You have to understand that Im working on developing my own chracter here. And I never tried to emulate anything Copperfield does (not that I can LOL but I never tried neither do I want to). I swear I had no intension from my post to do so.

Not to COPY david Copperfield in any way or his character. I ONLLYYY asked this just so I can know the illusion. By that I mean the freindly/funny/modest/confident/Great Showmanship chracter but OF MY OWN. All I said was I loved his character on stage and I wanted to be like him and so. Frank, I really appreciate your concern and care about me and not wanting me to try and "COPY" david Copperfield or to try and impersonate him.